Are Halls Cough Drops Bad For You? (2024)

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Active Ingredients in Halls Cough Drops: Pros and Cons

When determining whether Halls Cough Drops are beneficial or detrimental to our health, it's essential to evaluate the active ingredients these lozenges contain. Like any medication, these components come with their set of pros and cons. Here we will delve into the active ingredients typically found in Halls Cough Drops and discuss their potential health impacts.


  • Pros:
    • Menthol is recognized as a mild anesthetic, which provides a cooling sensation and numbs the throat, temporarily relieving soreness and irritation.
    • As a cough suppressant, menthol can ease cough reflexes, helping to reduce the urge to cough.
    • It can act as a mild decongestant for nasal passages, relieving stuffiness associated with colds and allergies.
  • Cons:
    • In some individuals, menthol can cause an allergic reaction or irritation in the mouth or throat.
    • Overuse of menthol-containing cough drops may lead to excessive consumption, potentially irritating the digestive system or causing nausea and vomiting.
    • A study (e.g., Pulmonary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 2015) suggests that high levels of menthol can lead to dependence, and some users may find it hard to discontinue use.

Oral Anesthetics (in certain varieties):

  • Pros:
    • Ingredients such as benzocaine and dyclonine offer pain relief by numbing the throat and alleviating soreness.
    • These anesthetics can help manage symptoms of throat irritation from coughs, colds, or vocal strain.
    • They may reduce the severity of throat conditions, aiding in a more comfortable recovery process.
  • Cons:
    • Some users may experience allergic reactions to these anesthetics, including rash or swelling.
    • Overuse or misuse can lead to a condition called methemoglobinemia, which is a rare but serious blood disorder that may be triggered by benzocaine.
    • Using products with oral anesthetics too frequently without a doctor’s advice may mask symptoms of more severe throat illnesses.

Understanding the pros and cons of the active ingredients in Halls Cough Drops enables users to weigh their potential medicinal benefits against possible side effects. It's always advisable to use these products as directed and consult with a healthcare professional if symptoms persist or worsen. It's also important to note that individuals with specific health conditions or those taking certain medications should seek medical advice before using Halls Cough Drops to avoid any adverse interactions.

Responsible use of cough drops, taking into account both their therapeutic effects and their limitations, can aid in symptom relief while minimizing risks. Awareness of the ingredients and their respective impacts on your body is crucial for making an informed decision about whether to include Halls Cough Drops in your cold-care routine.

Menthol Overuse: Understanding the Risks

When reaching for cough drops like Halls, it is important to be aware of their active ingredient, menthol. While menthol can temporarily relieve coughing and soothe sore throats, excessive use can lead to several health concerns. Let’s delve into the implications of menthol overuse and the risks it may pose.

Potential Side Effects

  • Irritation: High doses of menthol can irritate the mouth, throat, and stomach lining.
  • Heartburn: Overuse might lead to gastrointestinal discomfort and heartburn caused by menthol's relaxing effect on the sphincter that separates the stomach from the esophagus.
  • Allergic Reactions: Some individuals may develop an allergy or hypersensitivity to menthol, resulting in skin rashes, headaches, or breathing difficulties.

Interactions with Other Medications

Menthol can interact with certain medications, altering their effects. For instance:

  • Medication Absorption: Menthol has the potential to change how other drugs are absorbed in the body, particularly if they are taken orally at the same time.
  • Cytochrome P450 Enzyme System: Menthol can influence drug metabolism by affecting the liver enzymes that break down various medicines, possibly leading to altered blood levels of those drugs.

Risks for Specific Populations

Special caution is advised for certain groups when using products containing menthol:

  • Children: Menthol products should be used with caution in children. Accidental ingestion of high amounts of menthol can be especially harmful to young children, and there are strict recommendations concerning dosage and frequency for pediatric use.
  • Pregnant Women: There is limited research on the safety of menthol during pregnancy, so pregnant women are generally advised to use it sparingly and only when necessary.
  • Chronic Health Conditions: Those with chronic conditions, particularly respiratory issues like asthma, should consult a healthcare provider before using mentholated products as they can exacerbate breathing difficulties.

Dosing Considerations

While occasional use of menthol-containing cough drops is unlikely to pose significant health risks to the average adult, it is vital to adhere to recommended dosages:

  • Recommended Use: Follow the guidance on the packaging or instructions from a healthcare professional. Avoid exceeding the suggested dose.
  • Duration of Use: Cough drops are intended for short-term use. If symptoms persist beyond a few days, consult a healthcare provider to rule out more serious conditions.


To minimize the risks associated with menthol overuse, consumers should use Halls cough drops as directed and remain aware of the symptoms that may arise from exceeding the recommended amount. If you experience adverse effects or have concerns about your use of mentholated products, a discussion with a healthcare provider is warranted.

It is always beneficial to consider the whole ingredient list of a product and understand the potential impact of each component, especially when used frequently or in larger quantities. Responsible use of menthol-based cough drops and recognition of one’s health status and any concurrent medications is crucial in preventing any unintended adverse effects.

Sugar Content in Halls Cough Drops and Health Implications

Cough drops, like Halls, are a common go-to remedy for symptomatic relief during a cold or throat irritation. While they are not consumed as frequently as regular food items, it is still essential to consider their sugar content and how it can impact your health. To gauge the potential effects, let's delve into the specifics of sugar in Halls Cough Drops and understand its health considerations.

Halls Cough Drops typically contain about 3 to 4 grams of sugar per drop. While this may seem small, it can accumulate quickly, especially when multiple drops are consumed throughout the day. This continuous intake can have several implications for both oral and general health.

  • Dental Health: Sugar is a well-known contributor to dental issues such as cavities and tooth decay. Bacteria in the mouth thrive on sugar, producing acid that can erode tooth enamel. Regular consumption of sugary cough drops can increase the risk for such dental problems.
  • Blood Sugar Levels: For individuals with diabetes or those managing their blood sugar, the added sugars in Halls Cough Drops can contribute to fluctuations in glucose levels, necessitating careful monitoring of intake.
  • Weight Gain: Excessive sugar consumption is linked to weight gain and obesity. Even though cough drops are not a significant source of calories, they can contribute to an overall excess of sugar intake when not accounted for.
  • Increased Inflammation: Some studies suggest that high sugar intake may lead to increased systemic inflammation—a factor in chronic diseases and immune suppression.

It is important to note that Halls also offers sugar-free varieties of cough drops. These are sweetened with sugar alcohols or artificial sweeteners, which may be a better option for those looking to avoid sugar.

However, while sugar-free options do not affect blood sugar levels or dental health to the same extent, excessive consumption may lead to gastrointestinal discomfort due to the sugar alcohols which can have a laxative effect.

In summary, while Halls Cough Drops serve their purpose in soothing throat discomfort and suppressing cough, it is wise to use them judiciously when considering their sugar content. For those with specific health concerns relating to sugar intake, such as diabetes or weight management, opting for sugar-free versions or consulting with a healthcare provider for alternative treatments may be advisable.

Artificial Additives and Their Potential Effects

Cough drops, including those from Halls, often contain various artificial additives that serve multiple purposes, from enhancing flavor and extending shelf life to improving texture and appearance. While these additives make the product more palatable and marketable, it's worth considering their potential impact on health.

Common Artificial Additives in Cough Drops:

  • Artificial Colors: These may include dyes like Blue 1, Red 40, or Yellow 5, which are added to give the lozenges their distinctive hue. Some studies have suggested a link between artificial colors and behavioral problems in children, including ADHD. However, these findings are not conclusive, and more research is necessary to establish a direct cause-and-effect relationship.
  • Artificial Flavors: Used to imitate natural flavors, these synthetic compounds could cause allergic reactions or sensitivities in some individuals. Though rare, it is advisable for people with known sensitivities to review product ingredients carefully.
  • Preservatives: Substances like sodium benzoate are used to prevent microbial growth and thus extend the product's shelf life. In certain conditions, sodium benzoate can form benzene, a known carcinogen. However, the levels found in food products are typically much lower than what is considered harmful.

How Artificial Additives May Affect Health:

  • Allergic Reactions: Although rare, some individuals may experience allergic reactions to certain additives. Symptoms can range from mild rashes to more severe allergic responses, such as anaphylaxis.
  • Gastrointestinal Issues: Some artificial sweeteners that are commonly found in sugar-free cough drops can have a laxative effect or cause other gastrointestinal disturbances like bloating and gas.
  • Long-Term Health Risks: The long-term consumption of certain additives in large quantities has been linked to an increased risk of health issues, though more research is needed to pinpoint exact repercussions related to the modest levels found in cough drops.

It's important to note that while the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves the additives used in cough drops, some health specialists and consumer advocacy groups call for more rigorous testing and regulation, particularly concerning long-term effects and synergistic interactions between multiple additives.

For individuals concerned about artificial additives, there are natural and organic cough drop alternatives available which eschew these ingredients in favor of simpler, more natural formulations.

To ensure that you are making informed choices about your health, always read the ingredient label on your cough drops and consult with healthcare professionals if you have concerns about potential allergic reactions or side effects.

Dependency and Proper Usage of Cough Drops

When reaching for cough drops like Halls, it's essential to understand their intended use and the potential for dependency. Cough drops are medicated lozenges designed to temporarily suppress coughing and soothe sore throats. They typically contain active ingredients such as menthol, which can have a cooling effect and act as a mild anesthetic on the throat tissues.

It's important to note that while cough drops can provide relief, they do not treat the underlying cause of a cough. Therefore, excessive or prolonged use is not recommended. Overuse of cough drops can lead to several problems, including:

  • Dental issues: Many cough drops contain sugar, which can contribute to tooth decay if used frequently.
  • Gastrointestinal discomfort: Overconsumption can cause stomach upset or diarrhea, especially in drops containing sugar alcohols like sorbitol.
  • Masking symptoms: Regularly using cough drops may mask symptoms of a more serious condition that requires medical attention.

There's also the potential for developing a habit or a psychological dependency on cough drops, mistaking the temporary soothing effect for a cure. Using cough drops more often than directed or in higher quantities can lead to a pseudo-addiction where individuals may feel like they need these lozenges to control their cough, regardless of other more effective treatments or the need to seek medical advice.

To avoid potential dependency and ensure proper usage, follow these guidelines:

  • Adhere to recommendations: Always use cough drops according to the package instructions or follow the advice of your healthcare provider.
  • Short-term relief: Remember that cough drops are intended for short-term relief and not as a long-term solution.
  • Seek medical advice: If symptoms persist for more than a few days or are accompanied by a fever, rash, or persistent headache, consult a physician.
  • Consider alternatives: For minor throat irritations, non-medicated options like warm tea with honey or gargling with salt water may also provide relief without the risks associated with overusing medicated drops.
  • Monitor intake: Keep track of how often you're using cough drops and if you're turning to them out of habit rather than necessity.

In conclusion, while dependency on Halls cough drops is not common in a pharmacological sense, it is possible to develop a habit of overusing them, which can be counterproductive to your health. Maintaining awareness of your usage and seeking proper medical guidance can ensure that these cough drops serve their purpose without leading to unintended consequences.

Healthier Alternatives to Commercial Cough Drops

Cough drops are commonly used to soothe sore throats, suppress cough, and provide relief from cold symptoms. However, many commercial cough drop brands contain ingredients such as artificial flavors, colors, and in some cases, a significant amount of sugar which might not align with everyone’s health goals. For those looking for alternatives that may be gentler on the body or align better with a holistic health approach, there are a number of healthier options available.

Honey and Lemon: A traditional and simple remedy, mixing honey with lemon juice can be as effective as any over-the-counter cough suppressant. Honey's natural antibacterial properties and lemon’s vitamin C content make this a potent combination for relieving cough and soothing a sore throat.

Herbal Teas: Herbal teas with ingredients such as licorice root, marshmallow root, or ginger are natural remedies that can alleviate throat irritation and reduce cough. They are commonly available and can be used as both a preventive measure and a soothing treatment during a cold.

Gargle Salt Water: Though not a 'drop', gargling with warm salt water is an age-old technique to relieve a sore throat. The salt helps reduce swelling and may help clear infections or bacteria.

Peppermint: Peppermint leaves or peppermint tea can also provide relief. The menthol in peppermint acts as a natural cough suppressant and muscle relaxant, helping to ease cough reflexes.

Homemade Cough Drops: You can make your own cough drops at home using ingredients like honey, ginger, and lemon juice. This provides the full benefit of knowing exactly what goes into the remedy you’re using, ensuring the absence of unwanted additives.

Slippery Elm: Found in various herbal lozenges, slippery elm has a demulcent effect - it forms a soothing film over mucous membranes, relieving minor pain and inflammation of the mucous membranes of the mouth and throat.

Throat Sprays: There are natural throat sprays that utilize ingredients such as echinacea and sage, which can offer quick relief without the need for lozenges or drops.

It's important to note that while these alternatives may provide symptom relief, if a cough persists, it is always best to consult a healthcare professional for advice. Certain congenital and chronic conditions may respond differently to various treatments, and what may be a benign choice for one individual could be contraindicated in another. Additionally, some of these alternatives, especially honey, should not be given to infants due to the risk of botulism.

Consulting with a healthcare professional can offer personalized recommendations and ensure that any underlying issues are addressed. In conclusion, for those looking for healthier alternatives to commercial cough drops, there are many natural options to consider that can be just as effective in providing relief.

Are Halls Cough Drops Bad For You? (2024)


Are Halls cough drops unhealthy? ›

Keep in mind that cough drops also contain a fair amount of sugar. Eating an excessive amount of cough drops on a regular basis may also lead to weight gain over time. People with diabetes should use extra caution when eating cough drops, as they can cause your blood sugar to rise.

How many halls drops can you have a day? ›

While cough drops can effectively ease throat discomfort, sticking to the recommended dose limits is important. As suggested by the OTC cough drop drug facts, it is advised not to consume more than 12 in 24 hours or more than one cough drop every two hours.

Are Halls cough drops safe for high blood pressure? ›

Cough medicines that contain decongestants should be avoided if you have high blood pressure. However, there are other OTC medications that can help people with hypertension relieve a cough.

Why does Halls stop coughing? ›

Halls cough drops contain menthol, which acts as local anesthetic and "creates a cooling sensation". It also acts as a cough suppressant.

What does Halls do to the body? ›

This product is used to temporarily help relieve symptoms such as sore throat, throat irritation, or cough (due to a cold, for example). It works by providing a cooling feeling and increasing saliva in the mouth. Check the ingredients on the label even if you have used the product before.

What are the side effects of eating Halls daily? ›

Diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, abdominal cramps/pain, or heartburn may occur. If any of these effects last or get worse, tell your doctor or pharmacist promptly.

What is the best cough drop? ›

Rankings: Cough Drops
RankBrandSample Product
#1 Score: 100HallsBuy on
#2 Score: 91CepacolBuy on
#3 Score: 59RicolaBuy on
#4 Score: 45ChlorasepticBuy on Amazon
2 more rows
Mar 28, 2024

What medicine is in Halls cough drops? ›

Drug Label Information
  • Active ingredient. <(per drop) Menthol 7.5 mg> ...
  • Purposes. <Cough suppressant, Oral Anesthetic> ...
  • Uses. ...
  • Warnings. ...
  • Ask a doctor before use if you have. ...
  • Stop use and ask a doctor if. ...
  • Keep out of reach of children. ...
  • adults and children 5 years and over: dissolve 1 drop slowly in the mouth.

Is there a limit on Halls lozenges? ›


What are the side effects of Halls mentholyptus? ›

Serious side effects

Signs of an allergic reaction, like rash; hives; itching; red, swollen, blistered, or peeling skin with or without fever; wheezing; tightness in the chest or throat; trouble breathing, swallowing, or talking; unusual hoarseness; or swelling of the mouth, face, lips, tongue, or throat.

Is Halls medicine or candy? ›

Halls accounts for more than 50 percent of cough-drop sales worldwide and is the leading sugar confectionery brand in the world. In the northern hemisphere, Halls is sold as a cold relief product. In hotter and drier countries, however, Halls is used as a refreshing candy.

Do cough drops actually work? ›

The cough drop won't do anything to address the illness, but they will make it easier to tolerate the recovery process as the body fights off infection. You can think of cough drops like ice packs: they help relieve pain but don't really do anything to “fix” the problem.

Who should not take Halls cough drops? ›

You should not use this medicine if you are allergic to menthol. Ask a doctor or pharmacist if this medicine is safe to use if you have ever had: cough with mucus; cough caused by smoking, asthma, or emphysema; or.

What happens if you have too many cough drops? ›

Some cough drops also contain menthol, which targets nasal congestion; however, too much menthol can worsen your cough, which is the opposite intent of eating cough drops. Other symptoms you might experience from eating too many cough drops include: Stomach pain. Nausea.

Are Halls cough drops fattening? ›

If you're on a high-protein diet or trying to lose weight, you might also want to count carbohydrates — although you shouldn't eliminate them from your diet entirely. In general, there are 10 calories in cough drops from Halls, per single cough drop. The sugar-free line weighs in at 5 calories apiece.

Are Halls cough drops bad for your teeth? ›

The Sugary Threat of Cough Drops

The primary culprit? Sugar. A significant number of cough drops available in the market are laden with sugar. As these lozenges dissolve slowly in the mouth, the sugar has more time to interact with the bacteria present, producing harmful acids that attack tooth enamel.

Are Halls cough drops medicinal? ›

This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease. Use as directed. HALLS Cough Drops for the temporary relief of coughs and sore throats.

Is menthol safe for your body? ›

There are calcium and sodium channels in cell membranes throughout our bodies, and that is why we can see systemic toxicity after swallowing or inhaling concentrated amounts of menthol. Serious effects include seizures, coma, and death. Menthol can cause eye and skin irritation.

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