GSA Search Engine Ranker Review in 2021 | SEOviser (2024)


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Let me start off this GSA Search Engine Ranker Review by saying that it more of a typical automated SEO tool. The result of this tool or software will be instant and last very little time. As if it will give your site an instant boost and then will fall.

If you are not bothered about organic and long term SEO solution for your website, then this tool can be beneficial for you. This article will discuss everything you get from the GSA search engine ranking software, the good, the bad, and the uglies – so that you get a clear idea of this search engine ranker tool and can decide on whether you should use it or not.

GSA Search Engine Ranker

GSA Search Engine Ranker is an automated link building software. It provides the pleasure of not worrying about backlinking for your website. It works continuously for creating backlinks. No database is required for the GSA link building software to function. It locates websites by itself, registers your account, and submits contents or links without any hassle on your side. All you need to do is let the software know what you want, and it will do the rest.

GSA Search Engine Features

As one of the best backlink building software, it indeed offers some great features. The creators are also concerned about always improving the tool both for user experience and as Google changes it’s searching strategies. The key features of the GSM SER tool are discussed below.

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Backlink Tracking

With the GSA Search Engine Ranker, you can monitor your backlinking strategies. You can track which strategy is working and which one is not working. When you start, it takes in the record of the existing backlinks and then keeps a record of the new ones that it creates. As the tool keeps detailed information, you can easily access them and change them or delete them. Depending on these things, you get the opportunity to develop or update your existing backlinking strategy.

Control over Backlinks

This tool is capable of continually creating backlinks for various platforms like websites, forums, wiki, social media sites, etc. However, you also get full control over where to create the backlinks. You can choose which platform you want the tool to build backlinks. You can also mention your keywords and anchor texts that need to be used.

The tool also comes with some filters to provide better control. This way, you can choose the quality of backlinking. You can reject some backlinks if you feel like they are not appropriate for your choice. You can use some restrictions.

Some restrictions include language restrictions, country restrictions, or site rankings. It also has Do-Follow and No-Follow links that give the impression of a more personalized look and looks less automated by a system.

Link Indexing

The GSA SER has a built-in indexing system. You can keep track of your backlinks with it, and it will let you index your backlinks on the search engine. It provides the best link indexing system for the software available on the market.

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Article Management

If you use this tool, you do not even have to worry about content creation. For more backlinking, you must have needed more content. That is not the case for the GSA tool. It will create various content keeping the same keyword for different websites for backlinking.

This way, traffic for your website will increase, and you will also not face problems with duplicate content. You can simply input your content; the tool will search for similar content and automatically create new content using the same keywords and anchor texts.

Captcha Support

We all know about Captcha, right? Those annoying little puzzles you get while browsing. It wants you to prove that you are a human. Those things can be bothersome when you are doing backlink building.

GSA search engine ranker has built-in features to crack those security systems. It automatically solves those problems so that it can move on to link building. However, if it cannot decrypt the Captcha, then it will ask the user to do it.

GSA can support a lot of Captcha Solving services. However, there are mainly two that are widely used. The first one is a software-based solution like GSA Captcha Breaker, which automatically solves Captcha.

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The other one is a human-based solution. One of the best is Death by Captcha. It is very affordable. Only with a dollar or two, you get to solve the Captchas by a human. Using this, you can crack the questions that are not possible for software.

Primary, you can go for a software-based Captcha breaker. If that does not work, then you can invest in a human captcha breaker. This way, you can properly utilize your tool.

Automatic Email Verification

To build backlinks, many websites require email verification. It can hamper the continuous process of link building if you have to verify your email continually. It will slow down the process. Therefore, GSM SER comes with an automatic email verification feature.

The tool will automatically verify through email. You can do it in two ways. Firstly, you can give your email access to post things on your behalf. The tool will import your email for this matter.

The second way is to create a new email account. GSM SER tool will do it by itself. It will make a new email for you and automatically verify emails there for backlinking.

Language Support

If you have a website in a different language other than English, then using an SEO tool can be daunting. You buy software with money and then figure out the tool does not support other languages.

From this perspective, GSA SER is the best choice as it supports almost every language. It will do SEO in your respective language and help you rank high.

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You can use these tools for other search engines too. So if you want to rank your local site on a local search engine, you can get that too.

Proxy Scraper

Being anonymous helps a lot when it comes to SEO. The GSA SER tool has the default option for regularly updating proxies. This way, you can stay anonymous. You can choose what type of proxy to use and where.

Furthermore, you do not have to worry about running the proxy every time you use this tool. It will automatically function in the background.

Removing Backlinks

As we know, Google changes its searching strategy almost every year. With those changes, you need to update your backlinking strategies too. Otherwise, your website can become penalized or get blacklisted. Having too many backlinks can backfire too.

As the tool creates links frequently, you also have to remove them frequently as well. The GSA Search Engine Ranker tool makes it easy to remove links that it has created.

Blacklist Filter

We already know that Google penalizes suspicious websites. If your website has spammy backlinks, you might get penalized. It would be best to avoid those websites that can get you penalized. The GSA backlinking tool has a filter that restricts websites with a bad reputation.

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The GSA Search Engine Ranker software offers flexibility for the users. It allows you to use third-party tools. Besides, you can integrate your preferred tools with your GSA SER software. It has room for you to customize using coding or algorithm. If you want to change something or improve the existing system, you can do that by coding.


You can get daily reports from the tool. It will let you know about the jobs done at a specific time. The reporting system is decent enough and easy to use. It will let you know about the total number of submitted links, or submitted link on that day, a total of verified links, active proxy number total, number of submitted links per minute, and number of solved captchas.

GSA Search Engine Using Methods

Initially, there are three methods of using the GSA Search Engine Ranker. The process starts with setting up a GSA search engine ranker campaign and it helps the software do it’s work properly. Through the campaign users also can get everything set up and step by step process. They are briefly discussed below.

Method 1

The first method is a grey hat method. It is a combination of white hat SEO and automated tool based SEO. This way, you will do everything like white hat SEO to grow your website. Additionally, you will use GSA.

This will automatically generate some backlinks for you. If you limit generating backlinks, carefully select backlinking, and do it slowly, it will seem like they are organic. It is like getting some boost for organic marketing.

Method 2

In this method, you need to keep the GSA running but in a confined manner. It will constantly create backlinks. You can have the best out of it until they start becoming spam and penalize your website.

When it starts becoming spam, you need to disclaim the links and find a new target. You can continue this process as long as you keep GSA. It is best to have a list of backlinks, as that makes it easier to disclaim the links on Google.

Method 3

The method is purely automated SEO. Using this method, you run GSA in full blast. Your rank will grow at lightning speed. However, the faster it rises, the sooner it falls. You can have the ranking crown on your head for only a short period of time. After that, your website will become penalized. When it does, you have to drop that website and start again.

Several SEO agencies are providing GSA search engine ranker campaign services. If you want to avoid all the hassles regarding setting up the campaigns then you should get in touch with GSA Campaign expert to do the work on behalf of yourself.

GSA Search Engine Ranker Review

Now that we have discussed all the features and tools you will get from the GSA Search Engine Ranker, let’s discuss some of the basics.


The interface of the GSA Search Engine Ranker is quite simple yet functional. It shows a list of different types of links. You can easily track which one is submitted when and where. You can hover on icons if you need to more about that icon.

Tools and Features

As we have discussed previously, GSA SER is one of the best SEO tools out there that gives almost every possible solution for backlinking. It has many features and tools that can help the journey in achieving more traffic.

Other Benefits

The developers of the GSA Search Engine Ranker software are always on the duty of improving the system. They are coming out with updates as Google changes their strategies. They are eager to stay ahead of the SEO game.

Once you pay for their service, you can get free updates forever. Their licensing policy is also commendable. Furthermore, they have an amazing customer support system.


The GSA SER software is quite affordable for what they are offering. Moreover, you can get a GSA search engine ranker discount on various occasions. You can wait for a sale if you want to buy it at a lower price.


The major disadvantage of this tool is that it uses automated SEO elements. If you are not keen on automated and software-based SEO, you should avoid this software. Software based SEO involves some risks.

Google continually improves their algorithm to detect websites that use software tool-based SEO, so if your website uses a software-based SEO tool, there is a risk of getting penalized or getting blocked. Using these types of tools for your website can come off as suspicious and trigger Google search algorithms.

You have frequently remove backlinks so that you do not get categorized as a spammer. If you forget to do so, you might lose your website.

Another concerning thing about this software is that it takes away your power over email verification. The tool itself verifies emails. Some protocols are there for security purposes, and GSA SER software is demeaning the security concerns.

You will eventually get caught by the search engine and will lose your site. You can get penalized or deindexed. If the risk of losing your site is worth taking, then go for it.


Does GSA Search Engine Ranker still work?

As Google changes searching tactics, it becomes challenging for SEO tools to perform and give the best result. However, GSA Search Engine Ranker is still one of the best tools for creating backlinks for your websites.

What is GSA Backlink?

GSA Search Engine Ranker is also known as GSA backlink. They are both the same and are software to build backlinks for your niche websites.

What is SEO Autopilot?

SEO Autopilot is another advanced link building software. With its technology, it creates high-quality links for your niche websites.

What type of backlinks can you create on the GSA search ranker?

Using GSA Search Engine Ranker, you can build backlinks for various types of sites, including social networks, wiki sites, forums, etc.

To Conclude

Now it is up to you if you find this software helpful or not. It might provide you with a good result. However, it comes with significant risks as well. There is a reason the software is under the SEO.

Yet, this tool is helpful and has been in use for years. Depending on your expected outcome, this tool can be either good or bad. We just elaborated everything about the GSA Search Engine Ranker review tool for you to understand what it has to offer.

  • Faisal Mustafa

Faisal Mustafa is an Online Market Specialist. He has been providing result oriented quality SEO services to clients worldwide successfully since 2008. He has hundreds of reviews and feedbacks on marketing forums. He is the admin of SEO viser team and a successful online marketer.


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