South Dakota GFP Reservations - (2024)

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- Available - Unavailable - Not Available

Clay County Park

Main Campground

South Dakota GFP Reservations - (1)

Click on the “Aerial View” button to see satellite images and tour the campground using street view. Once you have clicked the “Aerial View” button, drag and drop the yellow Pegman (bottom right corner) to access virtual tours / street views of sites & campgrounds.





South Dakota GFP Reservations - (4)

South Dakota GFP Reservations - (5)

' + '

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' + '' + 'South Dakota GFP Reservations - (6)' + '

' + $(val).data('iconname') + '

' + '

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var distance = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(CurrentPos, MarkerPos); if (distance > dist || Number.isNaN(distance)) { markers[i].setMap(null); } else { markers[i].setMap(map); } } for (var i = 0; i < iconMarkers.length; i++) { var IconPos = iconMarkers[i].getPosition(); var IconDistance = google.maps.geometry.spherical.computeDistanceBetween(CurrentPos, IconPos); if (IconDistance > dist) { iconMarkers[i].setMap(null); } else { iconMarkers[i].setMap(map); } } }); google.maps.event.addListener(map.getStreetView(), 'visible_changed', function () { var visible = this.getVisible(); if (visible === false) { setMapOnAll(map); } }); for (var a = 0; a < sites.length; a++) { addSite(sites[a].UnitID, sites[a].Latitude, sites[a].Longitude, sites[a].Availability, sites[a].MapCodeLookupValue, sites[a].LoopIndex, sites[a].UnitCategoryType, sites[a].UnitType, sites[a].IsTimeSlot, sites[a].UnitShortDesc, sites[a].IsActive, sites[a].ReservationTypeID); } for (var i = 0; i < iconsPOI.length; i++) { addIcon(iconsPOI[i].Latitude, iconsPOI[i].Longitude, iconsPOI[i].UnitDesc); } for (var i = 0; i < mainIcons.length; i++) { addMainIcon(mainIcons[i].lat, mainIcons[i].lng, mainIcons[i].text); } infowindow = new google.maps.InfoWindow({ maxWidth: 267, }); google.maps.event.addListener(map, 'zoom_changed', function () { var zoom = map.getZoom(); for (i = 0; i < iconMarkers.length; i++) { iconMarkers[i].setVisible(zoom > 17); //13 } }); function addIcon(lat, lng, text) { var icon_url_var = ''; var info_text; function icon_url() { if (text == 'bathhouse') { icon_url_var = 'img/bathhouse.png'; info_text = text; } else if (text == 'parking') { icon_url_var = 'img/parking.png'; info_text = text; } else if (text == 'dump') { icon_url_var = 'img/dump.png'; info_text = 'dump station'; } else if (text == 'water') { icon_url_var = 'img/Water.png'; info_text = 'water spigot'; } else if (text == 'playground') { icon_url_var = 'img/playground.png'; info_text = 'playground'; } else if (text == 'shelter') { icon_url_var = 'img/shelter.png'; info_text = 'Shelter'; } else if (text == 'restroom') { icon_url_var = 'img/restroom.png'; info_text = 'restroom'; } else if (text == 'camp office') { icon_url_var = 'img/office.png'; info_text = 'camp office'; } else if (text == 'boat') { icon_url_var = 'img/boat.png'; info_text = 'boat ramp'; } else if (text == 'laundry') { icon_url_var = 'img/laundry.png'; info_text = 'laundry'; } else if (text == 'fish') { icon_url_var = 'img/fish.png'; info_text = 'fish'; } else if (text == 'waterfall') { icon_url_var = 'img/waterfall.png'; info_text = 'waterfall'; } else if (text == 'ski') { icon_url_var = 'img/ski.png'; info_text = 'ski trail'; } else if (text == 'climbing') { icon_url_var = 'img/climbing.png'; info_text = 'climbing area'; } else if (text == 'office') { icon_url_var = 'img/office.png'; info_text = 'office'; } else if (text == 'archery') { icon_url_var = 'img/archery.png'; info_text = 'archery range'; } else if (text == 'shooting') { icon_url_var = 'img/shooting.png'; info_text = 'shooting range'; } else if (text == 'discovery') { icon_url_var = 'img/discovery.png'; info_text = 'discovery building'; } else if (text == 'hotel') { icon_url_var = 'img/hotel.png'; info_text = 'lodge'; } else if (text == 'canoe') { icon_url_var = 'img/canoe.png'; info_text = 'canoe launch'; } else if (text == 'check') { icon_url_var = 'img/check.png'; info_text = 'check statione'; } else if (text == 'info') { icon_url_var = 'img/info.png'; info_text = 'information kiosk'; } else if (text == 'leather') { icon_url_var = 'img/leather.png'; info_text = 'skinning rack'; } else if (text == 'binoculars') { icon_url_var = 'img/binoculars.png'; info_text = 'wildlife opening'; } else if (text == 'dog') { icon_url_var = 'img/dog.png'; info_text = 'dog training area'; } else if (text == 'dove') { icon_url_var = 'img/dove.png'; info_text = 'dove field'; } else if (text == 'golf') { icon_url_var = 'img/golf.png'; info_text = 'golf course'; } else if (text == 'dock') { icon_url_var = 'img/dock.png'; info_text = 'pier'; } else if (text == 'fishstation') { icon_url_var = 'img/fishstation.png'; info_text = 'fish cleaning station'; } else if (text == 'toilet') { icon_url_var = 'img/toilet.png'; info_text = 'vault toilet'; } else if (text == 'picnic') { icon_url_var = 'img/picnic.png'; info_text = 'picnic area'; } else if (text == 'amphitheater') { icon_url_var = 'img/amphitheater.png'; info_text = 'amphitheater'; } else if (text == 'swim') { icon_url_var = 'img/swim.png'; info_text = 'swim beach'; } else if (text == 'group') { icon_url_var = 'img/groupcamp.png'; info_text = 'group camping area'; } else if (text == 'mobile') { icon_url_var = 'img/mobile.png'; info_text = 'telephone'; } else { icon_url_var = 'img/handicap2.png'; info_text = text; } } icon_url(); var iconMarker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, position: { lat: parseFloat(lat), lng: parseFloat(lng) }, icon: { url: icon_url_var, scaledSize: { width: 30, height: 30 } } }); iconMarkers.push(iconMarker); iconMarker.addListener('click', function () { infowindow.close(); infowindow.setContent(info_text);, iconMarker); }); } function addMainIcon(lat, lng, text) { var icon_url_var = ''; var info_text; function icon_url() { if (text == 'Youth Camp') { icon_url_var = ''; info_text = text; } else if (text == 'fish') { icon_url_var = 'img/fish.png'; info_text = 'fish'; } else { icon_url_var = ''; info_text = text; } } icon_url(); var iconMainMarker = new google.maps.Marker({ map: map, position: { lat: parseFloat(lat), lng: parseFloat(lng) }, icon: { url: icon_url_var, scaledSize: { width: 30, height: 30 } } }); iconMarkers.push(iconMainMarker); iconMainMarker.addListener('click', function () { infowindow.close(); infowindow.setContent(info_text);, iconMainMarker); }); } if (params['mode'] && params['mode'] === 'd') { $('body').append('

' + '


' + '


' + '


' + '

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"; var actionButtonsBuilder = "

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"; } else if (IsTimeSlot === true) { if (sitesHashMap[key]) { var thisSite = sitesHashMap[key]; SiteContent += "

" + thisSite.UnitDesc + "

"; SiteContent += "

"; SiteContent += "

After selecting your desired date for the reservation, click the button below to select an available time

"; SiteContent += "

"; if (amenityHTML != null) { SiteContent += amenityHTML; } var actionButtonsBuilder = "

"; if (thisSite.ReferralURL != null) { actionButtonsBuilder += ""; } else if (thisSite.ReservableOnline === false && thisSite.isCallCenterHandled === true) { actionButtonsBuilder += ""; } else if (thisSite.ReservableOnline === false && thisSite.isCallCenterHandled === false) { actionButtonsBuilder += ""; } else if (thisSite.Availability == 'available') { actionButtonsBuilder += ""; } else if (thisSite.Availability == 'out of range') { actionButtonsBuilder += ""; } else { actionButtonsBuilder += ""; } actionButtonsBuilder += "

"; SiteContent += actionButtonsBuilder; SiteContent += "

First Come, First Serve"; //TODO: Determine how we can get fc/fs units of the sitesHashMap } else { if (sitesHashMap[key]) { var thisSite = sitesHashMap[key]; $('#siteModalLabel').html(thisSite.UnitDesc); var image = ""; SiteContent += "

" + thisSite.UnitDesc; SiteContent += " "; SiteContent += ""; else SiteContent += "class='fa fa-heart-o'>"; SiteContent += "

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"; if (thisSite.UnitControlPrice != null) { if (thisSite.UnitControlPrice < thisSite.UnitBasePrice) { SiteContent += " Special Price: $" + thisSite.UnitControlPrice + "
"; } else { SiteContent += "Price: $" + thisSite.UnitControlPrice + "
"; } } else { SiteContent += "Price: $" + thisSite.UnitBasePrice + "
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" : "Site Length: " + thisSite.MaxEquipLength + "' " + thisSite.MaxEquipLengthDesc + "

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"; } else { SiteContent += "Site Width: " + thisSite.MaxWidthFt + "'

" } var actionButtonsBuilder = "

"; if (thisSite.ReferralURL != null) { actionButtonsBuilder += ""; } else if (thisSite.ReservableOnline === false && thisSite.isCallCenterHandled === false) { actionButtonsBuilder += ""; } else if (thisSite.Availability == 'available') { actionButtonsBuilder += GetMapReserveButtons(thisSite); } else if (thisSite.Availability == 'out of range') { actionButtonsBuilder += ""; } else { actionButtonsBuilder += ""; } actionButtonsBuilder += "

"; SiteContent += actionButtonsBuilder; SiteContent += "
South Dakota GFP Reservations - (2024)
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Article information

Author: Errol Quitzon

Last Updated:

Views: 6310

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (59 voted)

Reviews: 82% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Errol Quitzon

Birthday: 1993-04-02

Address: 70604 Haley Lane, Port Weldonside, TN 99233-0942

Phone: +9665282866296

Job: Product Retail Agent

Hobby: Computer programming, Horseback riding, Hooping, Dance, Ice skating, Backpacking, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Errol Quitzon, I am a fair, cute, fancy, clean, attractive, sparkling, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.